프로모션 상품
프로모션 제품 : 전화 액세서리, 손목 밴드, PU 가죽 품목, 냉장고 자석, 컵 받침, 버튼 배지 및 주석 배지, 네오프렌 안경 리테이너, 네오프렌 음료 홀더, 병따개 및 열쇠 고리, 가방 등.
팬시 자수 가죽 휴대폰 케이스
Want to be unique from everyone on the street holding the same mobile phone? Want to develop a new way to promote you brand? JIAN has figured out the perfect solution for you! Our newly made Embroidered Leather Cell Phone Cases! Our phone cases are customizable with your own phone case ideas making you stand out of the crowd, which also means you can have your own brand or slogan on it for promotion. In this wa
염료 서브리메이션 알루미늄 합금 병따개 & 카라비너
JIAN is now able to apply the new technology -- Dye sublimated process to present your unique design on Carabiners and Bottle openers, which is also known as Wine openers or Can openers! All of our carabiners and openers are compliant to CPSIA & EN71-3, which means excellent quality of our products and safety for consumer. Carabiners are very useful for outdoor activities like hiking, bike riding, or cam핀g,
핫 세일 피젯 스피너 장난감
Fidget s핀ners, also known as finger s핀ners, are a new toy especially designed to help you stop fidgeting. So what are they and how do they help? They are little toys that fit neatly in your hand to s핀 around back and forth. S핀ning them becomes really addictive and fun, but even better is that they're quiet too – perfect for playing with in the office and maybe even a boardroom meeting. Aside from co
뜨거운 판매 개인화 된 네오프렌 음료 홀더
Are you looking for an item to present your unique brand? Or perfect product to support events like parties, family reunions, or gatherings? In this case, we would like to introduce our newly developed 네오프렌 음료 홀더, also known as Neoprene Can Coolers, Neoprene Koozies. Neoprene is stretchable, durable and waterproof material, used to protect bottles/ cans/ cups from breaking, burning and frozen. Our N

아연 합금 연필 토퍼


밀리터리 핀 회사


파라코드 열쇠고리


패브릭 라벨

셔닐 패치 제조 업체

로고가 있는 키체인 랜야드 스트랩

밀리터리 핀

타이 바